

Babies: Up to 3 hours of shooting and 20 edited images on a high resolution disk with the copyright - $75
Children: Up to 2 hours of shooting and 20 edited images on a high resolution disk with the copyright - $60
               Each additional child- $25
Families: Up to 2.5 hours of shooting of the whole family(not extended family), a sitting of the parent/s and a sitting of one child, 40 edited images on a high resolution disk with copyright- $120; each additional child sitting- $20 with five additional images.
 Package A- Engagemants, Bridals, and Wedding with edited images on a high resolution disk with copy rights and 20 page wedding album- $1550 
 Package B- Engagemants, Bridals, and Wedding with edited images on a high resolution disk with copy rights- $1400
 Package C- Engagements or Bridals and Wedding with edited images on a high resolution disk with copy rights- $1200
Wedding only- $1000
Engagements only- $300
Bridals only- $300
Wedding announcement design- $75  

Occasionally I will do a day of mini sessions where you can sign up for a 20-30 minute slot. 
Family mini session  30 minutes of shooting of the family and 1-3 different edited images with a copyright release. -$50
Portrait mini session(no infants) 20 minutes of shooting of one individual in one outfit. up to 7 edited images with a copyright release. -$30